by Matthew Dale | May 26, 2015 | ASQA, Audit Express, Best Practice, Certificate 3 Guarantee, Funding Contract, Future Skills Fund, Industry Skills Fund, Marketing, Registered Training Organisation, Skilled Capital, Skills for All, Skills Fund, Smart and Skilled, Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, VET Fee Help, Victorian Training Guarantee, VRQA
AuditExpress present at Circulus & Fairfax Media Networking Event on ‘Compliance with Marketing in VET’. Director of AuditExpress, Matthew Dale presented at Circulus Education & Farifax Media VET Networking Event held last night in...
by Matthew Dale | May 15, 2015 | Uncategorized
AuditExpress are proud to announce that we will be sponsoring the upcoming ACPET Victoria VET Forum on Tue 9th June. With an impressive list of keynote speakers this event is likely to sell out. Book your tickets today! [emaillocker id=6291]...
by Matthew Dale | Apr 24, 2015 | ASQA, Audit Express, Registered Training Organisation, Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, VRQA
We are pleased to announce that our director Matthew will be presenting at the upcoming Circulus & Fairfax VET Industry event ‘A Compliance Guide To Marketing In VET’. [emaillocker id=6291] Please click here to register for the event ...
by Matthew Dale | Apr 1, 2015 | ASQA, Audit Express, Internal Auditing, Registered Training Organisation, Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, VRQA
Today may be April Fools Day, but make no mistake this is no joke or laughing matter. The Standards for RTOs 2015 should be implemented into your RTO by now, in fact the deadline for full implementation is today. [emaillocker id=6291] The message is simple; the New...
by Matthew Dale | Feb 27, 2015 | Audit Express
Audit Express is proud to support the world premiere of It’s not for everyone at HotHouse Theatre. Audit Express is a proud program partner for HotHouse Theatre’s premiere season of It’s Not For Everyone opening on the 19th of March...