[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The team at Audit Express are proud to be teaming up with our friends from Community Colleges Australia (CCA) to sponsor their upcoming Community Education Conversations Professional Development and Networking Event, which is to be held in Melbourne on Friday 12th May 2017.

There is an action packed agenda with a range of topics to be covered including:

Setting the scene: Julie Neeson, Southern Grampians Adult Education and Community College, Hamilton

Auditing in the new age – a presentation by Audit Express

Update on Skills First, by a representative of the VIC Department of Education and Training

The special case for community education providers in rural and regional Australia: challenges and opportunities, Dr Don Perlgut, CCA CEO

Community RTOs in Victoria: History, Scope, Scale, Success Factors and Prospects, By Dr Kaye Bowman, former Director of Research at NCVER and VET consultant

Foundations Skills Training Package: where are the consultations up to? Have your say – a session with Tim Rawlins, PwC Skills for Australia

What you need to know about the Commonwealth’s new VET Student Loans program, even if you will never use it

Community education providers and local and regional economic development roundtable discussion – come prepared to share your experiences

A new national community education infrastructure program – what’s happened since the last one in 2009?

Entrepreneurship and social enterprise

For more information about the event you can click here to download the Community Education Conversations flyer.


This event is free for the members of Community Colleges Australia (CCA).
The cost for non-members to attend is $100 (plus GST).

If you are wanting to attend this event please keep in mind that spaces are limited!
You can reserve you space by emailing: admin@cca.edu.au

