We are pleased to announce that the annual Community Colleges Australia (CCA) Conference held in Melbourne was a great success.

The team at Audit Express tilt their hat to their colleagues at CCA for delivering their best conference yet, which comprised an impressive list of speakers that travelled from across the globe to present their thoughts, ideas and concepts to the conference delegates. There was a noteworthy attendance at the conference by the Federal Assistant Minister Karen Andrews, Shadow Minister Doug Cameron and Victorian Minister Gail Tierney – it is understood that our Victorian Shadow Minister Stephanie Ryan sent her apologies and was unable to attend due to being on her HONEYMOON <3 Congratulations Stephanie!

Other outstanding speakers included ASQA, the VRQA and our very own CEO at Audit Express Kevin Ekendahl!

We highly recommend attending this conference in 2018 to show your support for the community education sector, which we understand will be held in Sydney.